
Apr 6, 2024

Wildlife Report

The Butterfly Walk might be considered primarily of interest when the multi-coloured buddleia are in flower in mid-late summer, attracting butterflies such as Peacocks and Red Admirals. However, there is more to it than that. At the end of last month, the blackthorn flowers were in abundance providing a vital nectar source for butterflies, hoverflies and bumblebees on the rare sunny day we were blessed with.


The understory is planted with herbs, such as marjoram which flower from June onwards. Weeding has been done selectively leaving those that won’t overwhelm the herbs and can also provide nectar. Dandelions, for example, are very important at this time of year and thistles are a favourite for insects in the summer. Whilst cutting off last year’s flower stems this week, a number of Scarlet Tiger moths caterpillars were found in amongst the marjoram foliage.



These spectacular day flying moths have a vibrant red under-wing only normally visible in flight and come out when the buddleia is in flower. Behind the buddleia, honeysuckle runs along the fence-line; the food plant for the caterpillar of the scarce Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth, another stunning day-flying moth that has been recorded along the butterfly walk, in May.

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