
Mar 8, 2024

Wildlife Report

The lakes were originally gravel pits, then fishing lakes before they became Sculpture-by-the-Lakes. Fishing now is restricted to experts only. Our regulars are the herons, cormorants and kingfishers.



This winter we were privileged to also host four goosander. These are diving duck known as saw-bills due to the serrated edge to their beaks. But as spring advances, the goosander have moved on and a great crested grebe has returned from the coast in immaculate breeding plumage. Sadly, our nesting pair failed last year and the single bird present is calling plaintively for a mate.



Meanwhile, some of the cormorants are looking resplendent too with their grey heads and white thigh patches. They will be heading off in the opposite direction having spent the winter with us and returning to the coast to breed.



The kingfishers are frequently seen at this time of year but don’t pose for the camera being very timid. The rather large carp, a legacy of earlier days, are too big for the majority of the current fishing clientele. However, there are several predators that might be up for the challenge. Otters have been seen by a lucky few and, on one of our Wild Wednesday events last year, a massive sea eagle flew over!



Want to be a part of our wildlife & conservation efforts? Come to one of our Wild Wednesday’s this year. Our wildlife officer Rebecca invites you to witness our commitment to biodiversity and actively participate in monitoring activities. Come, explore and contribute to the thriving ecosystem we’ve cultivated.


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